White Papers

White papers are generally documents used by businesses as a marketing or sales tool. By example, many extol the benefits of particular technologies or products.
Although most white papers are perceived as marketing collateral, SafeSourcing will endeavor to maintain an open forum for discussion of the issues that impact the global supply chain and what retailers and suppliers might do about it whether they use SafeSourcing products or not. White papers, when written objectively, are often regarded as a credible source of information and thought leadership.
Although SafeSourcing authors will highlight information that may be deemed favorable to SafeSourcing, other authors or contributors who wish to share their points of view in order to inspire new thought leadership are invited to post their point of view as an open discussion if it is focused on best practices in e- sourcing, safety and or eco initiatives in Sourcebook and to moderate that discussion with their peers.
For more information please contact us at marketing@safesourcing.com.

"Group Purchasing Organizations"
Author: Ron Southard
What are the benefits of joining a Group Purchasing or GPO from a purchasing standpoint?.
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"Re-Imagining Procurement"
Author: Ron Southard
Reimagining procurement brings a fresh perspective and sheds new light on existing practices, allowing new successes to emerge.
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"The Buyer in All of Us"
Author: Mark Davis
What type of buyer does your personality, circumstances, and experiences make you for your organization? Learn the different types of buyers out there and how each type has positives and negatives. How can you be the best buyer for your company?
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"The Lean, Green Cloud-Based Sourcing Machine"
Author: Mark Davis
Cloud-based services can make your company’s essential functions run like a dream, trimming the fat from your expenses. Choosing the right team will provide the highest level of dedication and customer support services that put even machines to shame.
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"The Art of Collaborative Procurement!"
Author: Ron Southard
The art of collaboration can have many benefits, and when the art is applied to procurement, great progress can happen and all involved benefit.
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"Safety in the Supply Chain" An Irony
Author: Ron Southard
Do consumers have the right to expect products, services and other finished goods we purchase from our retailers to be safe? If so, what level of safety should we expect? Does safety extend beyond the personal safety of our families, pets and loved ones to the ecological impact the manufacturing of these products has on our planet? Who should bear the expense of increased safety, suppliers, retailers, or consumers? Are there more effective ways in the form of processes and tools to reduce costs and increase safety and eco awareness?
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"4 Tips & 3 Pitfalls to Avoid when Sourcing Professional Services "
Author: Ron Southard
Services represent one of the highest savings opportunities a company can target. Understanding how to develop and execute each project is the key to maximizing savings.
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"Construction Sourcing with eProcurement Tools"
Author: Ron Southard
The goal of this white paper is to share a historical perspective, both positive and otherwise, relative to the use of eProcurement tools in the construction space from a variety of sources as well as SafeSourcing's specific experience with our own customers.